El Hijo
December 2020/March 2021 | PC/Switch/PlayStation/XBOX/Google Stadia
Role: Lead Programmer | Developer: Honig Studios | Publisher: Handygames
El Hijo is a stealth game and the most elaborate project I worked on until now. The game is set around a story of a young boy in the wild west, who is go though a big adventure.
The technical execution of this project was on my shoulders from the start of the project and is a good showcase of my skills. Since September 2019 I was supported by a second programmer on the project.
We are really proud that we got honoured with awards for our game.
In at GamesCom 2019 we won the Indie award and at the German videogame awards 2021 we won the award for the best family game.
At the children’s media festival Golder Spatz on June 11th – we were very happy to be awarded the prize for “Good stories. Digitally told. ”. The nomination for the TOMMI – German Children’s Software Award on October 24th and the award for the educational media award “ pädagogischer Medienpreis“ concluded the happy events of the year 2021.
In November 2022, El Hijo was named Apple TV Game of the Year by Apple. A great honour for everyone involved.

- Offical Website
- Projectpage of Honig Studios
- More videos of the game
- Game at Steam
- Game at Good old Games
- Game at Google Stadia (Only available with Stadia Login)
War on Prehis
May 2019 | IOS/Android
Rolle: Programmer | Developer: Freetime Project
War on Prehis top down stop motion shooter made with tons of love, real sweat and fake blood! The figures as well as the playground is original handmade and recorded in stop motion animation. The game is a homage to our childhood and was made in our freetime.
The concept and execution was happening in a team of 3 people, including 2 programmers and one audio engineer.
You can play the game for free without micro-transactions or generic ads.
Try it out and have fun!
Impossible Bottles
TBA | PC/PS4/XBOX One/Switch
Role: Lead Programmer | Developer: Honig Studios
In Impossible Bottles the player controls a robot collecting energy for the world by dancing to electronic music.
As lead Programmer, I’m resposible for the conecepts and execution of the technical side of the game. Since May 2020 we got a second Programmer on it.
Masters Vision VR
2018 – 2019 | HTV Vive/Oculus Rift
Role: Supportive Programmer | Developer: HighroadStories | Gebrüder Beetz
Masters Vision is a VR experience project series that brings the images of famous painters to life and let you see there vison. I was invloved in the making of the experiences for Casper David Friedrich and Edward Munch.
For both projects we are heavily used Photogrammetrie and volumetric video. We also had the opportunity to get high resolution captures of the original images to create this experiences.
- Arte 360 Video – watch „Casper David Friedrich Monk by The Sea“
- Arte 360 Video – watch „Edvard Munch The Sun“
- Exebition in the state museum at Berlin – old national gallery
- HTC Vive – Arts Artikel
- Projectpage of Gebrueder-Beetz
- Projectpage of HighroadStories
Place VR
2018 – 2019 | HTV Vive/Oculus Rift
Role: Supportive Programmer | Developer: HighroadStories
In this VR-Experience you are visiting a digital reconstruction of a destroyed synagoge in Aleppo (Syria). You are hearing the history of the building explained by contemporary witnesses.
For the reconstruction, we used old photos and created 3D models using photogrammetrie. The protagonists are captured and integrated as 3D volumetric video.
A Stork’s Journey / Richard The Stork
June 2016 – May 2017 | IOS/Android
Role: Lead Programmer | Developer: Honig Studios
For the animated children’s film „A Stork’s Journey“ (2017), we created an accompanying app, which brings the adventure of the protagonist and his friends into the hands of the user including 16 levels.
Orchard- by HABA
May 2016 – October 2016 | IOS/Android
Role: Programmer | Developer: Fox&Sheep/Honig Studios
Obstgarten is the digital adaptation of the board game for children of the same name by HABA. In the game, the children have to pick fruit and defeat the raven Theo in tricky mini-games. (Suitable for 4 years and over)
Honig Studios was executing the project for the Berlin Developer Fox&Sheep, who is known for his Kids Apps. It was my first production at Honig Studios and is available in 16 languages.
For Crown and Country
March 2015 – September 2015 | PC
Role: Projectmanager | SAE Institute Berlin – Bachelor Game Project
For Crown & Country is a round-based strategy game, which reflects a mix between the gameplay of the classic board game Risk, and that of the Total War series. The game can be played locally with two to three people on a computer.
The Project was developed as part of my Bachelor finals at the SAE Institute Berlin and involved 11 people in the project. We where honored by the university as best project of the year.
RPG-Schmiede Leipzig
December 2012 – September 2015 | PC
Role: Hobbist Developer

I was a co-founder of a hobby developer team who developed 8-bit-style role playing games with the RPG Maker VX ACE. The team, RPG Schmiede, was part of games culture events such as the Long Night of the computer games in Leipzig from 2012 to 2015, and attended GamesCom in Cologne in both 2014 and 2015 with our own booth.
Our game was called „Das verlorene Königreich“ and was based on our favorite RPG at the time: „Unterwegs in Düsterburg“ and „Vampires Dawn“.