As an experience for the animated film of the same name, an extensive app was created for the mobile platforms. In ‚A Storks Journey‘ the player takes part in the journey of the little sparrow Richard, who is going on his great adventure, the travel from Europe to Africa.
In a total of 16 levels, you make your way through varied levels with Richard, his friends Olga, Kiki and the pigeons. Thereby you contest challenges in 4 different game principles, which may require different things.
In the levels you can also find items with which the player can decorate his avatar. Synchronized with high score tables for each level and a total high score you can compete with players from all over the world.
As a share feature, you can share images of an avatar with your friends. You can also watch teaser clips from the film in your own pigeon cinema.
The game is available free of charge for IOS and Android.